Membership - £30 (Experienced annual and Beginners semester 1)
This is membership to the club that allows you to attend Tuesday and Thursday sessions. At these sessions you will have access to the club coaches and be able to use club equipment. You will be able to compete with the club at competitions should you be selected by the club captain.AU fee - £30
If you have not joined any other sports club yet you will also have to pay the Athletics Union fee of £30. This is the black tier AU fee and will allow you to join any other sports club.
If you wish to see how we spend your membership to keep the club running then please speak to the president, treasurer, or secretary and they will provide you with details of the clubs finances. They are the people that read the archery@yusu.org emails
If you are struggling financially to pay for the fees, you can also see if you are eligible for the YUSU Activities Access Grant.